breasts shopping storage

Refining Your Wardrobe

June 18, 2012

To purge is a love-hate thing for most crossdressers.  If you don’t know, a purge is when you take every girl thing you own and throw it away in attempts to give up crossdressing.  I experienced a purge only one time in my life.  I still miss a certain black dress that I had before I threw it all away.  At that time I truly thought that I was done with crossdressing and that I would never want any of that stuff anymore.  Well obviously that was not the case, huh?

Now what I see is that I often have a difficult time in getting rid of anything.   I keep thinking that I should hold on to things because you never know when you might want it again.  Well this past weekend I pushed myself to go through my Spanx like garments as well as my bras.  Both of those things are very difficult for me to get rid of.  This process also dealt with all of my breast inserts.

I get most of my inserts from The Breast Form Store.  I really like the ones that I have gotten from there.  I generally get the Gold Seal Classic Attachable Breast Forms.

Anyways, I had a size 6, a 5, a 4, and a 1.  I say that I had them, because I decided to get rid of them all.  My wife took the size 1’s.  They make her boobs look HUGE!  Wow, jealousy much?  Yea, lots!  She has great boobs.

Okay, off topic again.  Since I decided to get rid of those inserts I also got rid of about half the bras I owned.  I will tell you, that was hard!  I really struggled with doing that, but it was certainly needed.  I had some bras in there that I probably had not worn in a couple of years.  And the really nice thing is that the bras that I kept all look really nice and fit really well.

Fellow crossdressers and fashionistas, here is my advice to you.  Go through your clothes regularly and make donation bags for things that have gone out of style, of things that no longer fit you, or things that you just don’t wear anymore.  Don’t think of it as a purge, think of it as a refinement.

Through years of refining my own wardrobe, I have found my own personal style and I am much happier.

Do you refine?  Or do you purge?  Or do you hoard?

Oh, I have a few pairs of really nice, $200, inserts available if you are interested, message or email me.

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