Featured transexual transgender

A little manual assistance for some of that fat redistribution.

January 7, 2025

One of the most hoped for aspect of changing one’s hormones is the effect of fat redistribution. (Every time I write that word I want to insert a letter A somewhere into it, lol.) Anyhow, what this basically means, is that male bodies, ie, bodies operated by testosterone, tend to deposit fat in the belly region, and they get the sort of classic beer belly that hangs over the belt buckle. Whereas female bodies, bodies operate by estrogen, tend to deposit fat into their hips and butt. Which tend to give them a far lower center of gravity. So when one changes hormones from one to the other, then oftentimes their bodies will switch where the fat is deposited.

But, it’s not always a perfect process. There is much discussion about if gaining and losing weight will help improve the results. And for some that does work. For other’s not so much. For me, I got very mixed results. I have never had much fat on my body anywhere. I actually have such a small percentage of body fat that I don’t float. Weird, I know. I’ve had people laugh at me and say, he-he, she doesn’t know how to float, I mean even I, the non swimmer knows how to float. Okay, you condescending piece of crap, yeah, I know how to float. I actually taught swimming lessons for multiple years. Oh yeah, I was also on a year-round swim team. I have plenty of experience with floating, sinking, and swimming. Know where I float? The ocean. Know why? The buoyancy level of salt water is different than that of fresh water. So why do I float in salt water but not fresh water? Um, yeah, that would be because I have such a small level of body fat, you _______ _________ _________ ____________ _________ ! You can fill in the blanks if you’d like.

(So as I type this, I’m going to give up another one of my gripes, okay…… and that is, being cis-splained about everything. People say that when you transition from male to female, that you will lose male privilege. The sad reality of the world today is that if you do chose to transition you will ultimately lose all credibility to many people. Many people will discount you as nothing but essentially a crazy person who should really be highly drugged and institutionalized for their obvious vast mental problems. I mean who else would willing allow a dr to mutilate their genitals besides someone who is truly really quite mentally deficient? So, if they are so mental inept to accept their own bodies, should we listen to them about simplistic things like being able to float in water? No, clearly not. What would be more appropriate in that sort of situation for someone who has been my ‘friend’ for over 25 years? Well, to laugh at me of course, and tell me how ridiculous I am, that at 53, I don’t understand the basic process of floating. Okay, so yeah, this happened, and if you are that friend reading this (doubtful) then a giant absolute FUCK YOU to you!)

Okay, sorry for the shitty interlude, but parenthesis means you don’t really have to read it, right? Okay, anywho, focus Kel, the point of this post, I had another gender affirming surgery. This one was a fat transfer breast enhancement surgery. The surgeon liposuctioned fat from the backs of my arms, around my arm pits, down the sides of my torso, and around my abdomen. The results were basically a minor breast enhancement and a torso body contouring. This happened for me on December 12th. It is now about 3.5 weeks since my surgery, and so far what I’d have to say is, ouch! Liposuction hurts!

My surgeon prepared me well enough, but still, to experience it in real life is different than hearing somebody explain it to you. Basically everywhere that the liposuction was performed is still highly sore to the touch, and is pretty much a constantly cramping muscle. Apparently my fat was a bit stubborn for the surgeon to remove, not surprising if you know my body, and that is partly why it has been such a painful recovery. The surgeon described my fat as stringy and challenging to remove, but apparently that is exactly the type of fat that you want to use to inject somewhere else as it tends to stick around really well. So that’s a pretty awesome side effect to have for having to cope with such large discomfort right now.

Speaking of my breasts, how exactly are they? They are well, and larger, lol. How much larger? About double the size they were before. Which puts them where exactly? lol. Well, breast size is a difficult thing to discuss. I’ve had many people describe my breasts as very large, but they really aren’t. I’m just really good at photographing them. My actual bra size is a 36b. I think I am more like a 38A but that is a super hard to find bra size, so a sister size is a 36B. However, even with size, I really didn’t fill out the cups well at all. Needless to say, there were very large gaps in my cups. Anywho, the surgeon estimated my breasts at 175cc. She transferred 200cc of fat into each breast. About 80% of that material is expected to survive long term. So, some quick math…… 80% of 200cc is 160cc. 160cc + 175cc, gives me 335cc of breast tissue. Which is what in bra size? A 36B, or 38A, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!

So yeah, I’m wearing the same size bra, but now I actually fill out the cups and that is nice. Well, that will be nice once I actually am cleared to begin wearing my own bras again. Prior to then I need to attend my 1 month check-up appointment. Once I go in and am cleared by my surgeon then I can start wearing my own bras. For now, it’s a bit of free-boobing, and I love it!

Okay, I think, that just about covers my most recent fun-ness. I hope you are well. Love you! Love yourselves!

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