• Challenge Featured society

    Challenge Accepted

    As a transgender lesbian I am tired of living in a country whose leader encourages hate against me and my community. I am also tired of his supporters telling me this is acceptable because…

    August 3, 2020
  • Featured marriage

    My Awesome Wife

    I read a quote the other day that perfectly describes my wife: Startling as it is, all of these feelings and more can live inside someone whom, to you, seems like the most brilliant,…

    July 11, 2020
  • Uncategorized

    2 Year Anniversary

    I suppose that today is the day that best marks the start to my true transition. Sure there are other dates, like July 3rd, 2017, that is the day that I actually changed my…

    June 28, 2020
  • Acceptance art society

    A Sweet Student Letter

    I got a letter from a student yesterday: Dear Mrs. K Denithorne (don’t know how to spell it), You are my favorite teacher because you made learning math, which I did not like, easier…

    May 22, 2020
  • getting things done transgender

    Voice Therapy

    Hi y’all! I know I have been super bad at blogging haven’t I? I’m such a naughty trans blogger. I should be fired from my job! Oh hey, wait, nobody hired me, nobody is…

    April 25, 2020