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Interesting Internet 2

April 14, 2016

From Monterey Bay Aquarium Could you imagine going here?  –  I have got to figure out how to make this happen! What are some feelings that some transgender folk have about dating?  Personally I feel fortunate to be in a marriage already but I am convinced that if this relationship ever should end that I will live the rest of my life alone. My fave blogger, Sally, over at AlreadyPretty, wrote a fantastic article about figure diversity.  Have I mentioned…

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links transgender transvestite

Interesting Internet

April 4, 2016

A gorgeous iris from my yard! A few internet links that I have found interesting as of late: Diamond rain on various planets!!  – OMG, are you serious?  When are we going to get our little human butts off to these places so that we can scoop up rockets full of diamonds? Here is an easy way to get to the moon!  Just fold some paper!!  Hahahahaha Seriously??  How can these facts be true??? So….. I can’t believe I am…

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getting things done links

Like a Machine

November 16, 2015

Many years ago I was debating if I should buy an X-box.  Jules kind of insisted that I go for it.  When I questioned her as to why she told me that she rarely sees me sit down and just relax and do nothing and so that maybe by having an X-box I would actually sit down occasionally!  Funny.  I did buy the X-box, but I could not tell you the last time I actually played on the darn thing!…

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Internet Tidbits for this Week

June 19, 2015

Could you imagine spending a night at this place?  Wow! Have you ever thought about cross dressing but have yet to bring yourself to try it.  An interesting article on the benefits of giving it a whirl! Is there a difference between self care and self comfort?  I often find myself swaying back and forth between the two states and I often find it difficult to determine which one I am doing. I think I have probably seen about 90%…

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Internet Tidbits For the Week of 5-30-2015

May 30, 2015

Hey there friends.  Yesterday was a big day for Jules; she got the metal hardware removed from her leg.  She was in surgery and I was out in the waiting room stressing out!  Her surgeon is fabu, but he sucks at dealing with people!  No people skills what so ever!  Thus I was not informed of anything until a volunteer nurse came and got me and brought me back to her in the recovery room where she was wide awake…

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