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Acceptance coming out crossdresser Featured pocast society transgender

In the Closet and In a Wedding??

August 12, 2019

  You may remember that recently my friend Dana and I began a podcast.  We have been having lots of fun recording it, and sharing out bit of weirdness with the world.  We recently received a great question from a listener.  I was emailing her back today and thought, hey, maybe I should share this with a larger community to try and get more opinions.  So I’d encourage you to reach out and give me your thoughts. Hello!   My…

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Acceptance crossdresser getting things done society transgender

An Update on Counseling

June 5, 2017

Well well well.  It was what a couple of weeks ago when I explained why I was seeking out counseling for my gender variance?  I think, hmm…. let’s check.  Yup here it is. It took a bit of time but I got setup with someone who I thought was good.  But things took a turn that I did not want it to.  She wanted to work on CBT (look it up) for some inner critical voices.  I let her know…

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Acceptance coming out crossdresser duality gender non-conforming getting things done Out and About society stress transexual transgender

Sometimes Being Out Is a Responsibility I Don’t Want

September 19, 2016

Is it easy to be out or in the closet?  I think this is something that many of us part timers ponder.  I mean if you are facing certain transition, then the question is moot.  You’re not going to transition to the other gender entirely and spend your time sitting in a closet all by yourself.  Life couldn’t possibly get done that way. For those who are just an occasional cross dresser, then again, I think the question is easily…

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crossdresser society transgender

Just As Transgender As Me

May 24, 2016

This past weekend I went away for a retreat for one of the many jobs that I do.  It was a gathering of a bunch of us that have been contracted to be a coach to others in our profession.  (BTW – I SO wish I felt comfortable enough letting everyone know exactly what field I am employed in, but alas, with being transgender one needs to be cautious about how much info we spill onto the net.  Bummer!!) Anywho………

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Acceptance coming out crossdresser discovery friends marriage society

How Happy – How Sad

May 3, 2016

The very first time Jules and I took our picture with me dressed as a woman was about 10 years ago.  That particular day she and I decided to have a private wedding ceremony where we unofficially remarried each other while I was dressed as a woman.  That photo is the one pictured above.  And I officially do NOT like that photo.  I love what happened on that day, but wow, do I dislike the photos.  None of those photos…

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Acceptance crossdresser discovery society transexual transgender transvestite

Gender Fluid? Gender Phooey!

April 21, 2016

Frequently when I attempt to discuss my gender with others, they will say, ‘oh, well you are gender fluid.’   As of late, it has been occurring so much, that when I hear it, I throw up a little in my mouth.  Okay, well that just may be a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously, I am a bit sick of people telling me that I am gender fluid. Do you know what gender fluid means people?  Let’s take a…

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Acceptance crossdresser society transgender

Cutting Off My Hair Made Me A Cross Dresser!

December 3, 2015

No seriously, I really think that it did.  I know, I have discussed a variety of different theories before as to why I am a cross dresser, but really more as of a joke than anything else.  Why do I have gender variances? I believe sincerely that I was born this way. I do not think that anything that I have experienced in this world has made me into someone who has gender variances.  I do not have a fully…

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